DISCUSSION: Comment Guilt

Being a blogger I of course love getting comments on my posts. It's so amazing to feel like someone has really appreciated your post and that they've taken the time out of their day to comment. I honestly get so excited when I see a new comment on one of my posts.

Replying to comments on my own blog isn't something I struggle with. It's commenting on other people's blog that I sometimes find really difficult...There's so many amazing bloggers that I follow and I want to be able to comment on every post from them, but it's harder than it sounds sometimes:

Problem No 1: I don't want to leave a generic comment
It's easy enough to leave a comment saying 'great post' or something to that degree, and don't get me wrong I still appreciate when these comments are left on my blog, but more often than not I want to leave a a more meaningful comment but can never think of anything to say...

Problem No 2: Finding the time to comment
Now I'm not going to pretend I'm the busiest blogger about because I'm not. However, I am at university which requires a lot of personal study time (at least for me). A lot of the time I don't read new blog posts every day, which means I get very behind on posts and therefore behind on commenting. 

Problem No 3: Relating to a post
A lot of the time I think a post is really great but I just don't relate to it. If I don't relate to something than I just don't know what to comment...this kind of relates back to problem no1 of not wanting to leave a generic comment I guess. 

The thing is I never get annoyed if another blogger doesn't comment back on one of my posts so I don't know why I feel so guilty about it myself. I need to stop beating myself up about not commenting enough, there's so many more important things to worry about in life, I'm just causing myself unnecessary stress.
So what do you think about commenting? Do you ever feel guilty for not commenting on other people's blogs? Or do you just accept that you don't have time to comment on every blog post? Let me know in the comments!